Just after many Bollywood celebrities made it to Padma awards list 2016, veteran actor Kader Khan said that it was good to see that he did not get his name in the list. The actor gave a hint that Padma awards for his colleagues could be the result of flattering the Lutyens’ in Delhi.
Khan said that he did not want the award if they were honouring the people of film industry mentioned in the list of 2016. This year, Rajnikanth, Priyanka Chopra, SS Rajamouli, Udit Narayan, Anupam Kher, Madhur Bhandarkar are among the awardees.
The versatile actor believes that awards are not big things, but the importance of them lies in the people entitled to it. The actor stated that the honesty towards the award has been faded away with selfish motives.
Khan, whose name was proposed by many for the Padma awards, urged the celebs to return from politics as it is not their aim. Khan, who seemed upset with Anupam Kher’s name for Padma Bhushan, asked what did he do except showering praises on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.