Senior Actor Suresh who recently made a comeback to films and is playing little character and negative roles is upset with maverick director, SS Rajamouli and his Baahubali. The actor on Sunday tweeted, “Will not support Mr.Rajamouli / #Bahubali coz he doesn’t think #jags or #suman or #Saikumar r good Enuff2 play character roles in his film (sic)”.
Suresh may be upset on Rajamouli for roping in other languages actors like Sathyaraj, Sudeep and others. But Rajamouli may have plan in his mind while roping that is to market the film in other states as it is being released in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi and Malayalam simultaneously on a large scale.
However this non-cooperation from Suresh or any actor for that matter is likely to upset Baahubali as it is one of the most awaited films today. The movie had even garnered hype across the nation. Three years of hard work had gone in to the project and the movie is already creating never before seen records in Telugu film trade.