Universal Hero Kamal Haasan is shooting in America for the first schedule of his next film, Sabash Naidu. However the actor is himself directing the film in USA while director TK Rajeev Kumar is totally out of scene. Buzz in Kollywood is that TK Rajeev Kumar is just name sake director while Kamal is the ghost director for the film.
But sources close to Kamal says the director had fallen sick as soon as they arrived in USA and in order to make sure that the movie schedule is not hampered, Kamal took his place. The director reportedly is diagnosed with a Lyme disease. It is a rare infection prevalent in Europe and North America.
The real life father and daughter – Kamal and Shruti are teaming up for a film for the first time in their careers and will also be seen as father and daughter in the movie. Major part of the movie shoot is planned in the United States. Maestro Ilayaraja will be composing music for the film.