Shah Rukh Khan Celebrated the new year with his wife Gauri and children Aryan, Suhana and Abram in Dubai. The Actor recently featured in Rohitshetty’s Dilwale, co-starring Kajol, Kriti Sanon and Varun Dhawan. Dilwalw reunites Shahrukh and Kajol after 2010’s My Name Is Khan.
It seems like Shah Rukh Khan is having a fantastic New Year holiday as the actor is currently in Dubai, where he is celebrating with his wife Gauri and children Aryan, Suhana and Abram. A few pictures of his holiday have made its way to the social media, and they clearly suggest that the Dilwala is making the most of his trip.
In Dubai, Shah Rukh also met Sanjay KapoorShah Rukh looked handsome in a black suit while Gauri looked smart in a black leather jacket.