Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s fans are eagerly waiting for updates on the movie “Game Changer,” but director Shankar and producer Dil Raju haven’t revealed any information, leaving fans in suspense. Although the film has been in production for over two years, there’s been no title announcement or even a first look poster. The leaking of a song by someone on the team has added to the excitement, but the viral song remains untouched, creating more uncertainty.
However, this issue is not related to Shankar’s other film Indian 2, as Shankar looks more concentrated on Kamal Haasan film than Ram Charan’s movie.Meanwhile, from yesterday, a new schedule of Game Changer has started in Hyderabad, where Charan and Anjali are working on crucial scenes. According to the reports, they appear as mother and son. However, the continuous delay in shooting is causing concern, and no one seems to be making a decision on when Game Changer will finally come to an end. Meanwhile, the dubbing work for Indian 2 has already started. Sharing videos related to Indian 2 is making Mega fans more upset. Shankar is giving updates just about India 2 and there’s no clarity on whether we’ll see any updates regarding “Game Changer” anytime soon.
As for “Game Changer,” nobody knows when it will be released. Shankar has left Sankranthi time, and now he’s locked it for the Telugu New Year. However, even there was no clarity on it as well. Meanwhile, Director Buchi Babu, who has signed a film with Ram Charan, is patiently waiting for the star.