Former Minister of AP, Shankar Rao who attained immense popularity for filing a case against all powerful Kadapa MP YS.Jagan, himself landed in a soup. Shankar Rao who is lovingly known as Shankar Anna who poses and boasts in front of media and in public as if he is the only honest politician and who is the lone crusader against corruption in the country, found himself in the wrong side of the law.
It cameout in open that some people purchased a plots some 20yrs back with their hard earned money. However our Andhra Hazare Shankar Rao created forged documents on his brothers name and now asking the real owners to vacate the plae as the entire land and plots belong to him. The real owners met many law enforcement authorities but till now no one heeded to their appeals. All this happened at Alwal Muncipal Circle and in Subhash Nagar where more than 1000 people purchased properties and even named the colony as Green Field Colony.
Now Shankar Rao and his brother Dayanand on whose name documents were forged are threatening the residents to vacate the place even though Court ruled the judgement in the favor of residents. However police are not willing to implement court order for the fear of Shankar Anna. More recenly High Court even quashed stay on arrest warrant against the minister. Police are now getting ready to question Shankar Rao and Dayanand.