Former Congress Minister Shankar rao arrested here in Hyderabad in land grabing case . News from the center is that the police officials belonging to Neredmet and Alwal police stations went to his residence in the evening and took him into custody.High tension prevailed at his residence, as Shankar Rao strongly resisted the attempts of the police to arrest him .
His wife told media that the police had not allowed him even to take his lunch and taken him away in the name of interrogation . We are very much aware of his sensational comments on the leaders of all parties in the past he even busted out on his own cabinet colleagues . He was charged with grabbing 875 plots in Greenfield Colony in Alwal using forged documents. The Greenfield Housing Society filed a case against him and his brother in the Malkajgiri Sessions Court alleging that the former minister had threatened the society leaders and prevented the officials from discharging their duties . He was booked under various sections including 120 (b), Section 420 cheating.