YSR’s daughter Sharmila is all set to take the center stage as her brother Jagan is still languishing in Chanchalguda Jail. Hopes of YSRCP’s leaders and cadre received a set back when Jagan’s bail was rejected and the party in its efforts to cash in on to peoples sentiments and even to boost the sagging morale of the party cadre decided to bring in Sharmila, the chief architect of party’s bypoll victories.
When Jagan was sent to jail and when everyone including his political opponents thought that YSRCP will be drifting directionless without its leader, Sharmila and Vijayamma took upon themselves and campaigned vigorously ensuring victory for the party. Sharmila caught the attention of all with her striking similarities between her and her father YS.Rajasekhar Reddy. However after the victory , Sharmila disappeared from political arena much to the shock of YSRCP and delight of its opponents.
Now that Jagan’s bail rejected and its raival Chandra Babu getting wide coverage for his padayatra, YSRCP decided not to leave the field for Babu unopposed. They plan to unleash their secret weapon Sharmila and the buzz is she will be taking padayatra covering entire state soon. Initially it was decided Vijayamma and Bharati would be taking the yatra but considering Vijayamma’s age and Bharati’s corporate commitments it was decided that Sharmila will take the tour. It has to be seen what impact Sharmila’s yatra will have on CBN’s yatra.