Young actor Sharwanand scored his second hit this year with Mahanubhavudu which released during the Dasara season. The actor was the first consideration for Arjun Reddy which ended up as a massive blockbuster in Tollywood.
Vijay Devarakonda played the lead role while Sandeep Vanga made his directorial debut with Arjun Reddy. During the promotions of Mahanubhavudu, Sharwanand revealed why he missed Tollywood’s cult classic Arjun Reddy.
“I liked the role and the way Sandeep narrated the script. I myself recommended Sandeep to various producers however no one showed interest as they felt that the film lacked commercial aspects. As days passed, Sandeep decided to produce the film on his own. It was then I felt he cannot do justice for the film and I walked out of Arjun Reddy. I had firm belief in Sandeep’s abilities but I felt he cannot balance both direction and production responsibilities. I regret for missing such a great role”.