62nd Filmfare awards are here. This year Telugu film ‘Manam’ has walked away with the first award, as cinematographer PS Vinod grabbed the trophy for his terrific visuals he captured for the classic. And guess who turned heads with their award? If all the beauties are walking the red carpet with their glamour dazzling around, here is Lakshmi Manchu raising mercury levels with her awards.
For the second time ever, Lakshmi Manchu walked away with ‘Black Lady’ as she grabbed ‘Best Supporting Actor (Female)’ award for her role in ‘Chandamama Kathalu’. She has stunned the audiences by playing the role of super model Lisa Smith who lost her stardom and finally settles as a housewife. Impressed by her acts, judges have favoured this multi-faceted lady for the award.
You know what, this is the second time Lakshmi Manchu is walking away with ‘Best Supporting Actress’ trophy. Earlier she won the same award for her role in ‘Gundello Godari’. So, Lakshmi grabbed this award in a row for 2013 and 2014. Hope she scores a hat trick by winning another award for her best show in 2015 also.