Nandamuri Kalyanram’s next venture, Sher has completed its shooting formalities a long ago. The makers have released the first look poster and digital motion poster of the movie in July and since then did not reveal their release plans waiting for the right time to release.
The post production works of the movie are also almost complete and so now they are planning to release the movie on October 30th. The audio release event of the film will take place on October 10th and from then Kalyan Ram is planning to promote the film aggressively.
Legend fame Sonal Chauhan is romancing the actor in this film. Kaththi fame Mallikarjun is wielding megaphone for this film. Nandamuri fans hope that this film will be one more hit in Kalyan Ram’s career like the recent blockbuster, Pataas. Thaman is the music composer.