Mumbai: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra has turned down an offer to host a cooking show on a leading food channel. Cashing in on the popularity of Shilpa’s book “The Great Indian Diet”, the channel producers approached the 40-year-old actress to host the show, which would be based on the principles and recipes included in her health and nutrition book. “I am really happy the book has done so well. I have received an interesting offer that was taking the concept of book ahead. I had to turn it down due to prior commitments.
I want to take the concept ahead on various platforms and encourage people to be fit and healthy,” Shilpa said in a statement here. The actress-turned-businesswoman did like the concept it required her to shoot in the end of this month. The “Dhadkan” star had to fulfill some of her other professional commitments before she took off with her family for their annual holiday. In the past, Shilpa has judged dance reality show “Jhalak Dikhla Jaa”, “Nach Baliye” and hosted second season of “Big Boss”.