Union Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Monday was non-committal on whether a Bill for creation of separate Telangana will be tabled in the coming winter session of Parliament but said the process will be completed within the current tenure of UPA government.
The Home Minister also said he met the Secretaries of various central ministries of water resources, power, finance, rural development and human resource development in order to thrash out issues related to divison of assets between the proposed Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
He said Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Reddy has not met him yet and hence he could not comment on the latter’s stand on the bifurcation of the state.
Asked whether there was a move to control the police and law and order machinery of Hyderabad by the central government for a certain period of time, Shinde said the proposal was under consideration and no final decision was taken.