Telugu Bigg Boss 1 winner Shiva Balaji and his wife Madhumitha have been fighting against school management over tuition fees. Recently the actor had a bitter experience with Mount Litera school of Manikonda in Hyderabad.Shiva Balaji seriously considered cutting off online class connection for his children. Outraged by the management’s behaviour, he complained to the Department of Education and HRC.
Since then, Madhumitha and Shiva Balaji have been raising their voice against the hiked tuition fees. They alleged that school management is pressurizing parents to pay the hiked tuition fees and transportation fees.
Madhumitha on Friday spoke to the media men explaining how some of the corporate schools are looting parents in the name of online classes. She urged Telangana CM KCR to look into this matter. Shiva Balaji too warned the school managements not to harass the parents during the testing days.