The daughter of late Shabha Nagireddy, Bhuma Mounika Reddy’s filed nomination for the by-election in Allagadda was disqualified by the election commission as it said that the leader did not attached the B-form. Mounika Reddy is the second daughter of Shobha Nagireddy, who died in an accident during the elections, and everything is going normal for her as no party planned to contest opposite in the segment.
But however, the fact is, this was the dummy nomination filed by Shobha Nagireddy’s second daughter Mounika Reddy as the original candidate and political successor is Bhuma Akhila Priya. The election commission said the nominations were disqualified of Mounika Reddy along with other four people.
Reportedly, no one has filed the nominations from other parties as only the YSRCP members applied to contest the by-election in various ways. So, as per analysts they may likely to withdraw their nominations tomorrow and it will almost be a unanimous election for Bhuma Akhila Priya.