As the Telugu Desam party has been facing comments from its opposition parties in both the Telugu states courting the bribe episode, the main opposition leader of Andhra Pradesh, YSR Congress party Chief YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has fired Chandrababu for his false tactics in politics. He expressed confidence that he would become CM of Andhra Pradesh in two years.
Addressing the huge gathering at Samara Deeksha, Jagan said that Chandrababu will not continue as Chief Minister after two years and is ashamed to see leader like him. Jagan promised the capital region farmers that if he comes to power all the lands will be given back without fail.
The Samara Deeksha’s main aim was to expose the false promises and virtual goals set by Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. Jagan further added that his security personnel are being aware of people are they are not satisfied with his rule and may attack at any point of time. So, what do you think? Will he be the next CM?