Though skin show and exposing has reached a new level in Tollywood, it has never been the case with the films of victory Venkatesh. He has got a very solid image among the family audience and his films are often meant for the class audience. But now it looks like even Venky is okay with some hot masala.
According to sources, the new film of Venkatesh has got a hot bikini scene. It is known that Venky is teaming up with Ram and both are doing the remake of the Bollywood hit ‘Bol Bachchan’. In this, the Bollywood actress Shahzahn Padamsee has got a special bikini scene. She is pairing up with Ram in the film.
The film is tentatively titled as ‘Ram-Balram’ and Venky is pairing up with Anjali. Shahzahn Padamsee was seen with Ram Charan in ‘Orange’ but after that she is coming back to Tollywood only now. Lately she has worked very hard on toning her body and she is showing her sex appeal to the full in this film. We have to see how the traditional audience of Venky is going to take this.