During the audio launch event of his last film Sarrainodu, Allu Arjun said that he immensely liked the film’s antagonist’s role played by Aadhi Pinisetty. Bunny went on to state that he would play the villain’s role if Sarrainodu is remade in any other language.Looks like Bunny’s next film director Lingusamy got inspired by Bunny’s wish as apparently, he has designed a negative role for Bunny in his upcoming film. There have been reports that bunny would be playing dual roles, one being a positive role and the other a negative one.
The reports also said that Bunny was highly impressed with the negative role and gave the green signal Lingusamy’s script. Already, Bunny has acquired a solid fan base in Malayalam. He is now aspiring to increase his fan base in Tamil with Lingusamy’s bilingual film.
Whether Lingusamy will quench Bunny’s thirst of scoring a solid box-office success in Tamil is to be seen later this year or early next year. On the other hand, Lingusamy must be raging to regain his lost glory as he has been struggling with a series of flops.