Mehar Ramesh has good talent in creating hype on movies. But his movies didn’t give success as much as expected. Kantri, Shakthi, Billa, Shadow are in the list of his movies. He gained bad talk that he gives flop movies to hit heros.
A shocking news is out that Mahesh is acting in Mehar Ramesh direction. This is because Mehar Ramesh gained Mahesh’s heart while working for Pokiri. During the making of Pokiri; Mehar gave many tips to Puri but he failed to use such tips for his movie success.
Mahesh is going to act in an advertisement where Meher directs it. Mahesh’s career is successful not only as actor in films; but also in ads. He is acting in more number of ads than number of films. Mahesh stood as craziest hero in South by acting in more number of ads. Let’s see weather this ad gives hit to Mehar or not.