The Telangana Chief Minister KCR seemed to have a life threat keeping in mind the very recent incident that happened yesterday. When he was returning from Nalgonda in the evening his convoy was followed by two bike riders who suddenly entered into the convoy. The security warned them both many times but still they did not take care and just broke into the convoy.
The both riders, Srinivas and Prakash had made an adventurous attempt and made the security go mad with their stunt. Suddenly, the riders ran into the Vanastalipuram ACP car and got hurt. This incident had created a lot of chaos and the tow were immediately taken to the Oxygen Hospital at Chinatalkunta and were hospitalised.
The riders aim to go along with the CM convoy and finally ended up keeping their life in risk. Many claimed that police did it wantedly. While the police told that this was an accident and felt that if there was any life threat to CM. The police however booked a case on them for rash driving and asked the doctors to confirm whether they were drunk. So, is this any plot against KCR? What do you think?