Manchu Manoj’s latest offering, Shourya has completed its censor formalities a short while ago. The Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad awarded the film with U/A certificate with some minor cuts. All the decks before the movie release on March 4th are now cleared. The makers are planning the biggest ever release in Manoj’s career for the film.
Manoj is with out a proper hit for a very long time. He changed gears and is attempting a class film to be back in winning ways. According to the sources, Shourya as the story of an innocent educated Laddu guy. There is no single fight in the film, a different experiment for Manoj after a long time
Regina Cassandra will be seen as the female lead opposite Manoj in this film. This is her first time opposite the actor. Dasaradh of Santosham and Mr.Perfect fame is wielding megaphone for this film. M. Sivakumar, who earlier produced Nikhil’s Surya vs Surya is the producer for this flick. A new comer, Veda has composed music for the film.