Shruti Hassan got wet with Bollywood offers showering on her one after the other and she signed two big Hindi movies, said sources. Firstly Shruti will be seen sharing screen place with Akshay Kumar film Gabbar which is remake of Tagore film and then opposite John Abraham in Welcome Back movie.
Shruti who started her filmy career in Bollywood tasted bitter taste even after pouring all her assets in bikini for Luck movie. But Shruti scored back to back hit films D-Day and Ramaiya Vastavaiya this year in B-town.
Shruti is already balancing her Telugu-Hindi films single handedly and if everything workouts according to plan then very soon she will be NO.1 heroine in India. Right now Shruti is busy in filming Race Gurram with Allu Arjun in Hyderabad and awaiting for Yevadu release.