Nikhil Siddharth’s latest venture ‘Karthikeya 2’ is running successfully with packed houses. The film managed to get a positive talk right from the morning shows on 13th August. The movie has reportedly crossed the breakeven mark in Telugu states and is sure to end up in good profits for the buyers. What is more interesting is the fact that it is getting a thunderous response from the North Indian belt.
Trade pundits reveal that the occupancy rate of ‘Karthikeya 2’ is better than big Bollywood movies like ‘Laal Singh Chadda’ and ‘Raksha Bandhan’ during the weekend. This is a huge achievement for ‘Karthikeya 2’ team as Nikhil is not a known name and the film was not even promoted in Hindi.
Coming to Mumbai, there were only 8 shows for the film initially but it is currently running with over 120 shows. With Krishnashtami approaching, this film is going to be watched even more since it revolves around lord Krishna. The pro-Hindu camps are owning this film and are gathering in large numbers to watch it. The same thing happened to ‘The Kashmir Files’. Though it is not such a big success as of now, ‘Karthikeya 2’ is turning out to be a blockbuster in its own right.
‘Karthikeya’ is a sequel of ‘Karthikeya’ which came out in 2014. Written and directed by Chandoo Mondeti, ‘Karthikeya 2’ is a mystery thriller. Anupama Parameswaran is the heroine in this film. Elite Bollywood actor Anupam Kher will be seen as Dhanvantari while Srinivas Reddy plays the role of Sadananda. Harsha Chemudu’s role is named Suleman while Aditya Menon played the character of Santanu. As it is known, ‘Karthikeya 2’ had a pan-Indian release. This movie is produced jointly by TG Vishwa Prasad and Abhishek Agarwal. Kaala Bhairava is the music composer. Karthik Ghattamaneni is the cinematographer.