The New Year 2016 kicked-off on a busy note for actress Shraddha Kapoor. Aashiqui 2 fame filmmaker Mohit Suri signed Shraddha Kapoor and her ex-boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur for ‘Half Girlfriend.’
The story is based on Chetan Bhagat’s coming-of-age novel with same title. The film revolves around the love story of Bihari boy and a high society girl. Based on how English defines class system, the story of Madhav and Riya lacks commitment.
‘Half girlfriend,’ where Shraddha will be seen as affluent Delhi-based girl, will mark Shraddha’s third film with Mohit Suri. However, an official announcement is yet to be made.The making of the film is likely to begin in 2016 and is expected to be shot in Bihar, Delhi and New York.