Ever since spicy siren Shriya Saran has tied the knot with her Russian boyfriend Andrei Koschei on March 19th, there was no buzz from her. Her 6-month-old love transformed into marriage and she left everyone in a surprise. So what are the updates?
Quite active on the social media circuits, the 35-year-old hottie never talked about her marriage either before tying the knot or after. And now, she’s busy sharing some pictures from a football match she’s watching in Madrid, Spain. Looks like the hottie is still doing her honeymoon in Europe and is not a mood to come back to the film world.
While some of her Telugu films where she’s supposed to star with the likes of Venkatesh have either got shelved or got her replaced, other projects moved ahead without her. Whether she will join the shooting or just ignores them is something anyone doesn’t know. And now, when she’s expected to tell something through social media, she’s back with pictures but disappointed her fans with no news.
But with the likes of Samantha and Kareena Kapoor decided to pour hot glamour and continue their career after marriage, it looks like even Shriya Saran will also follow the same path.