At a time when she’s busy with a handful of films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi, damsel Shriya Saran stunned everyone. In last March she got married to her boyfriend Andrei Koscheev who hails from Russia. After taking some gap, the actress is back to hunting roles.
Forget the roles Shriya is looking forward to, but honestly, she has upped the glamour quotient on her social media page post-wedding. Though she never shared a picture of her husband, Shriya made sure that her tours to various countries will get noted out, thanks to her multiple bikini looks.
Right now the hottie went to Ukraine for a holiday and she’s posing in bikinis from there. No doubt, she has that curvaceous body women die for and men feel envy. And she’s making the best use of it in the pictures she is sharing. But what is to be looked forward is if she will be able to crack into the big league again with glamour.
In Telugu, Shriya will be soon seen in movies like Veera Bhoga Vasanta Rayalu but she needs some big star films to make sure that her career will get extended for a longer time.