After exhibiting her music skills, sultry siren Shruti Haasan made her acting debut with a Bollywood film Luck. Neither the film thrived at box office, nor did she get any recognition. Her second Hindi film Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji was also a disaster. Likewise, Shruti’s Tollywood and Kollywood launch pad films Anaganaga O Dheerudu and 7aum Arivu were also flops. Shruti was then called as iron leg by all the industries owing to her track record.
Fast forward to this year, Shruti is now considered as luckiest charm in all woods. She is most sought after actresses in Tollywood and Kollywood and is slowly getting recognition in Bollywood. The starlet who got first break with Gabbar Singh is enjoying top heroine slot in Telugu. Her last outing Srimanthudu is ending as second biggest grosser in Tollywood.
Coming to Kollywood, she is leading lady in much awaited film Puli starring Vijay and has bagful projects alongside top heroes there. Her last Tamil release Poojai (Pooja in Telugu) was an above average grosser. In Bollywood, Shruti scored three hits in 2 years time with D-Day, Gabbar Is Back and Welcome Back.
Very few South heroines made their mark in Bollywood and Shruti Haasan is one among them. The recent success of Welcome Back brought her eminence in Bollywood. Although she is getting many offers, Shruti is choosy. So, the doting daughter of Kamal Haasan is hard hitting in three woods. Great going gal!