Mahesh Babu is currently busy with the shooting of his film ‘1-Nenokkadine’ and while that is coming to an end, the preparations for his next film have already started. This is going to be directed by Sreenu Vaitla and from a long time confusion has been on regarding the heroine of the film.
Tentatively titled as ‘Aagadu’ there were talks that Deepika Padukone was approached and then the name of Tamannah came in. Then the name of Shruti Haasan came in and many said Shruti was finalized. There is also the requirement for the second heroine in the film.
But now Shruti has come into the open and revealed the truth about this film. sharing her thoughts, Shruti reportedly made it clear that she was never approached for the film and she is busy with her own films in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi. If this is true then who is going to be the heroine for Mahesh? Let us wait and see.