In a row, several top celebrities of Tollywood are showcasing their human side to the world as they keep their ‘status’ aside and shower smiles on faces of their young fans. After Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan, here comes Shruti Haasan joining the long list of celebs who could take a day out of their busy schedules to meet their critically ill fans and make them go merry.
A child named Sheetal Pawar from Pune is battling with life threatening cancer and made a wish to meet her dream-actress Shruti Haasan in real life. When parents of the girl expressed the same to Shruti’s team, they never knew that the actress will drive all the way to Pune and meet the kid confined to hospital from months. Recently the kid got shifted to home and Shruti surprised her by stepping into their house. It is an unexplainable happiness for the kid as she discusses about movies and music with her favorite actress. Truly this is the human side many celebs should show up!