South India’s top actress Shruti Haasan has been roped in to play the lead role in the movie Sangamitra. Touted to be a big budget periodic drama to be directed by Sundar C, the film has been planned on a massive budget of Rs 200 crores. But the news made waves when Shruti walked out of the project.
While the spicy diva got especially to perform some daredevil stunts in the film including sword fights, she called it a day from the project without disclosing any reasons. Also, the makers have released the posters of the film that featured Shruti painted Sangamitra. And from last few months, names of many actresses have come out including Hansika, Nayantara and also Disha Patani.
However, the makers locked Bollywood beauty Disha Patani finally which they made it official through an announcement. Though the talks have been on for some time, the makers confirmed the news officially today. There has been huge criticism across the internet calling Disha Patani a poor choice to essay the role of Sangamitra.
This hottie has essayed glamorous roles in the past in films like Loafer failed to impress the audience. Also, none of her films ended up impressively at the box office though she managed to do only a few. In that way, Shruti Haasan’s replacement is an utter disappointment, says cinema lovers.