Young hero Siddharth who is currently busy with his film in Tollywood and Bollywood has given a node to the wedding, so any heartthrob girl fan of Siddu can try her luck. Sidd told that still his heart is open, speaking about his wedding in his recent interview he expressed like this “Absolutely i am comfortable to getting marriage now, and I am ready for it. I hope to have a family with children and am hoping it happens soon. I have been written about with a lot of women.
I have chosen not to respond. My family does not read gossip rags and what is in the paper today is the packing for a pakoda tomorrow. You can attribute a quote to a person without meeting him. The inverted comma is being molested beyond identity”. So many rumours are spread in industry that he is dating with Samantha while earlier it was Tamanna.
But Sidd clarified that his life partner is not Samantha neither Tamanna. Sidd is currently busy with “Something Something” along with Hansika in Tollywood and also “Chashme Baddoor” in Bollywood. So, lets us few more days to see who will be that lucky charm.