After a disappoint start to 2013 in Telugu with ‘Jabardasth’, Siddharth’s next ‘Chashme Baddoor’ is all set to hit screens on April 5th. Siddharth is starring in this comedy entertainer along with Ali Zafar, Divyendu Sharma, Taapsee Pannu, Rishi Kapoor in pivotal role and Juhi Chawla and Anupam Kher in guest roles. This David Dawan’s directorial venture is going to have a premiere show in Dubai. The entire team is heading to Dubai today for promotional tour on 3rd April organised by Dream Advertising Dubai. Siddharth too is on his way to Dubai. He tweeted: “Heading to Dubai to watch the premiere of ‘Chashme Baddoor’ with the whole gang. Super fun! Why? Kyun ki har ek friend Kamina hota hai!!”
This apart, Siddharth’s bilingual film Udhyamam NH4 (Tamil)/NH4 (Telugu) directed by Vetrimaaran is also getting ready for release in April. Lakshmi Ganapathy Films which delivered several dubbed films will release ‘NH4’ in Telugu.