Chalapathi Rao is notorious for committing 101 rapes on screen. Still people compete to watch Sridevi’s Padaharella Vayasu, just to watch the rape scene, which was purely meant to titillate. In 80s came a slew of movies like Khaidi, Chillara Devullu, Mannem Lo Monagadu, which symbolised rape as a reflection of feudalistic suppression. One still can not forget the film Stuvartpuram Police Station that starts with horrible rape scene after which the girl gets killed brutally before the entry of Chiranjeevi.
Now a days heroes go a step further and address heroines describing their structure. Pawan in CGR symbolised the present thinking with the dialogue “Prapanchamlo ammayiluandaru ordinary ee. Edo maku unna moju walla meerandaru extraordinary ga kanipistharu thappa meeru andaru ordinary ee. Andaru sarva mangala melame,” . Some fans say “The message is simple. Harass a woman long enough… no matter how often she says ‘no’, she will eventually succumb and say ‘yes’. To make matters worse, the hero addresses the women in the most derogatory of ways calling her things, equating her body parts to fruits, etc. The protagonists in these films could easily pass off as deranged stalkers, but they seem to be working at the BO,”.
A film analyst says “That’s not all. Almost 90% of the short films that are being made these days are all women-bashing films which show young men ranting at how women manipulate men and are difficult to please,” .Female Director B.Jaya says , “It’s easy to play to the galleries, which is why most of our filmmakers play to them. Also the fact that we have only male filmmakers making movies for a largely male audience, we see these seriously retrograde attitudes being reflected in Telugu cinema. I am hopeful though that things will change once the people get sick of them.” .
To the top of it hot item songs, A rated dialogues, double meaning dialogues in the name of comedy along with hot kissing scenes and attire of heroines flaunting 3/4 of their curves makes matters worse. Many perverts watch the films and take it as lesson or special classes and once they are out they will be looking for an easy prey to put it in practice. Many say that one should take good what the film makers are preaching but there is no denying the fact that bad enters the body in extremely quick manner polluting the entire thought process.
Hope film industry is listening…