Simran, who was considered as top heroine in 90’s and early 2000’s, is now speeding up her second innings. At present, She is busy with Tamil film Karai Oram. After Karai Oram She will be appearing as hot and seductive cop in a Sci-fic film. That Scientific fiction will be directed by Gowri Shankar. And that movie will be produced by none other than her husband Deepak.
There is another interesting news about this Sci-fic film. If reports are to be believed Simran will appear in hot outfits in her Sci-fic film. Director Gowri Shankar has promised to show her in seductive way with sexy outfits. Simran fans are eagerly waiting to watch Simran’s beauty on screen. She will be seen in Cop role in the film, who is a member of investigation team.
Simran has done a cameo role in Trisha Nayantara Ileana movie. But her role is very limited and ineffective. So she has decided to go back to her previous mantra by showing off her skin. At present this movie is going through pre-production phase. Film launch ceremony date and cast details will be announced soon.