Gabbar Singh director Harish Shankar met with Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu. When cyclone Hudhud affected the Vizag, he had announced a certain amounts to donate the victims. Harish announced 3 Lakhs to the victims, according to that today he met with CM Mr. Naidu and issued a cheque towards Chief Minister’s relief camp.
Surprisingly Harish Shankar used Pawan Kalyan reference at Naidu to make him to recognize in easy way. He tweeted “Its a great honour to meet Sri @ncbn gaaru and to contribute in CM ‘s relief fund. Wish I could do more .He smiled and wished me Good luck when I was introduced as ..Gabbar Singh director Million thx to Power Star :-).” Even though he made film with NTR Harish preferred to use Pawan name at Babu and it surprised many.
Harish is now busy with his upcoming movie in which he casted Sai Dharam Tej. Insiders say Harish has worked rigorously on the script and has filled it with the right kind of entertainment and masala that will bring back the glory of his Gabbar Singh days. Since it has a hero from the mega camp, the film would automatically get some craze so here’s wishing Harish the best of success.