The makers of Anushka’s Size Zero planned to release their film on October 9th provided that Rudhrama Devi is not releasing. They have even sent out a press note when there are rumours floating about Rudhrama Devi postponement. But now with Rudhrama Devi releasing, they have decided to postpone their film.
Given that all the release dates are full till Diwali, they will have a tough time scheduling their release. There are reports that Size Zero will have a remix song from ‘Sannajaaji padaka’ from his film ‘Kshatryia Putrudu’. This song comes when Aarya and Anushka are watching it on TV and imagine themselves in it.
The makers have also obtained permission from the original composer, Ilaiyaraja. Size Zero is a romantic comedy. The film also has Sonal Chauahan in its ranks. It has a stellar cast line up with heavyweights like Prakash Raj,Urvashi, Ali, Posani, Master Bharat. Ananganaga O dheerudu fame Prakash Kovelamudi is wielding megaphone for this film.