Tamil director SJ Suryah is directing Powerstar Pawan Kalyan for the third time after Kushi and Puli. Komaram Puli is the biggest disaster movie in Pawan Kalyan’s career. The movie was directed by SJ Suriya who directed Pawan Kalyan’s blockbuster movie, Kushi, the film released amidst huge expectations and it fell short of every thing.
And so this new film of Pawan Kalyan and SJ Surya forces fans in to confusion. However the director had assured fans of a good product. SJ Surya revealed in a recent media interaction that he has readied a script that will play according to Pawan Kalyan’s strengths. He said that the Powerstar is a legendary actor and an intense script with powerful narration is what required to match the expectations of the audience.
He promised to deliver a promising flick with Pawan this time. The film regular shooting will begin on June 10th in Pollachi. The makers are planning to shoot non-stop for the film and line it up for Sankranthi release. Until now we have heard that Husharu is being considered as the film title. But new rumours suggest that they are considering Senapathi as the title. And a caption ‘Nammitha Pranalaina Isthadu’ is also in the rumour mills.