After disappearing from Bollywood circuits from some time, dusky siren Priyanka Chopra is busy with work in Los Angeles. However, the actress is making sure that she will be part of some sensible films as she picked ‘The Sky Is Pink’, which is directed by ‘Margarita With A Straw’ movie fame Shonali Bose.
Here comes the trailer of this much awaited film which features Priyanka and Farhan Akhtar as parents of two teens, including Zaira Wasim who has recently quit acting over religious concerns. The film is about two people falling in love, having kids and one of the kids suffering from a life-threatening health condition
The trailer showcased the emotional trauma lovers go through with such incidents. Priyanka has rocked with her performance for sure, while Zaira Wasim is the next show stealer for her acts as an arrogant kid. Shot in India and USA, the film captured the essence of life perfectly.
Set to open in cinemas on October 11th, fans are really waiting to see Priyanka back on the silver screen. But some commented, ‘Priyanka is way too hot to be seen as a teenager’s mother’.