Suddenly small films are having dream run in Telugu film industry. Every movie that is different from regular is hitting the gold at box-office. The latest film that has joined the club is Sukumar produced Kumari 21F which is set to cross Rs 10 Crs share shortly. Post Baahubali’s grand success, many movies big and small including Srimanthudu had brought smiles to the producers and distributors but what is heartwarming to see is that the trend of small and experimental movies having dream run at box-office.
Post Baahubali, small and medium budget movies like Cinema Choopista Maava, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, Subramanyam For Sale, Kanche and, Rajugari Gadhi have made money. Some of these movies made huge money, brought profits to the buyers almost double the investment. Now Kumari 21F is doing the same. Telugu audiences seem to have developed big heart to encourage small movies that made with quality or better content. All in all, Tollywood is shining at box-office.