Star heroes like Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh Babu, Jr NTR, Bunny and Prabhas haven’t escaped this 8th flick curse. They have all bitten dust with movies like Jhonny, Nizam, Andhrawala, Yogi and Varudu respectively. Some say Ram Charan’s latest flick ‘Govindudu Andarivadele’ is his 8th flick, while others claim it as 9th one. Whatever it maybe, his ‘class’ journey laced with ’emotional’ content smashed the negative sentiment as it kicked the curse successfully.
GAV opened to packed crowds, though many B & C centre audiences haven’t had many expectations over Charan’s class-family entertainer. But word of mouth started spreading from the afternoon as morning shows have cast a magic on all quarters. Masses liked the subtle climax in the end as they walked home with teary eyes and heavy hearts. On a whole Govindudu Andarivadele sounds simple but it has the ability to move hard boulders too. Trade circuits are predicting that movie might end up collecting 45+ crores at box office. So, Charan’s 8th film added another hit-film in his meritorious career and then a profitable venture for producer unlike other competitors of the season.