King Nagarjuna’s latest offering, Soggade Chinni Nayana has completed the censor formalities a short while ago. The Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad watched the special screening of the film and rated the film with U/A certificate with no cuts. With this the movie is all set for a grand release on January 15th as Sankranthi Special.
Nagarjuna for the first time is playing a dual role as father and son. The movie’s trailer and music album are impressive and rose the expectations and hype on the film. Ramya Krishna will be romancing the Senior while Lavanya Tripathi will be seen along side the Junior.
A new comer Kalyan Krishna is wielding megaphone for this project. Nagarjuna bagged a very precious hit with Manam after a long time and so he is very careful in his career going further since his retirement is nearing. And so he is taking extra care on this project.