Nagarjuna has earned a sobriquet of ‘Manmadhudu’. Living up to the name completely, Nagarjuna mesmerized in the trailer of his upcoming film Soggade Chinnni Nayana. Nag is seen in dual roles as father and son. While father role has affinity towards women, son seems to be a decent, calm and well-educated guy who seems to have studied in abroad away from the village atmosphere.
Going by the trailer, looks like, father role is the central character of the film. Clad in a traditional Dhoti, ‘father’ Nag is surrounded by beautiful ladies all the time and Ramya Krishna plays his wife. ‘Son’ Nag’s role is completely contrast to ‘father’ Nag as ‘son’ Nag stays away from women.
Lavanya Tripathi, who pairs up with ‘son’ Nag, sizzles in the short trailer. Also seen are hotties Anasuya (Essays Nag’s Maradalu role), Hamsa Nandini, Diksha Panth who rev up the glam quotient.
Meanwhile, the movie, written and directed by newcomer Kalyan Krishna, is not just light-hearted entertainer. But it seems, the movie has a divine element to it. The teaser showcases Maha Shiva’s Idol, Linga and a powerful snake hinting that the movie has a great connection. Looks like, the film has extensive graphics too. On whole, the movie seems to be pakka Sankranthi release and it’s going to be Nagarjuna’s double treat.