Following the police custody of Telugu film actor Samrat allegedly in a dowry case filed by his wife, Samrat’s mother Jaya Reddy has hit back at her daughter-in-law and Samrat’s wife Harshita.
Alleging Harshita of ‘torturing’ Samrat, she told media, “Harshita is never fond of Samrat acting in films. Even before marriage, she had put him a condition that he shouldn’t act in films. But Samrat didn’t accept it. She agreed and married him. After the first month of marriage, she started forcing him not to act in movies. But Samrat has been passionate about acting and films. She doesn’t like anyone taking even pics with him.”
“Finally, both Samrat and Harshita have decided to go for divorce with mutual consent. We even agreed to pay her over 30 lakh alimony. But to everyone’s shock, she started filing false cases against him. She has lodged a ‘false case’ of theft against my son,” shared disturbed mother Jaya Reddy.
With the allegations and counter allegations arise, it needs to be seen how the cops would deal with the issue. Since it is subjected to civil case, it has to be dealt in court. More details are yet to be awaited.