Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha is quick to clarify on the rumours surrounding Balayya and herself. Amidst a lot of reports that Sonakshi Sinha is being cast opposite Balayya in Boyapati’s film, Sonakshi took to Twitter to clarify the news. She said the news is not true.
Sonakshi Sinha, who is waiting for the release of Salman Khan-starrer Dabangg 3, said she is not part of Balakrishna-Boyapati film. The daughter of Shatrughan Sinha said she would reveal the news about her next project very soon. Sonakshi made these comments while promoting her film Dabangg 3.
Usually, Hindi heroines won’t respond or react to rumours, reports about their South projects. They would rather let it go. Even South filmmakers like this part so that they could stay in news for a while and garner some attention. But Sonakshi’s quick reaction has left Balayya fans disappointed. Now, Balayya and Boyapati have to search for another popular heroine to garner attention.