With former PM Manmohan Singh all set to be investigated by CBI in the sensational Coalgate scam, the Congress party has woken up to a shocking scenario. They are now trying to come together to fight a battle that can gain them some sizeable mileage.
With the alleged negligence shown by the Congress boss Sonia Gandhi towards former prime minister PV Narasimha Rao when he was facing many probes still haunting Congress, the party chief Sonia Gandhi reportedly managed a publicity coup.
Today in the morning, Sonia Gandhi with the Congress contingent of MPs, senior leaders and others numbering more than hundred, took a rally on the roads of Delhi from Congress office to the residence of Manmohan Singh, the embattled former PM.
Manmohan Singh and his wife welcomed the warm gesture by Congress leadership and thanked them while Sonia announced in front of media that the party will stand by Manmohan and do everything to ensure he comes out unscathed!