Megastar Chiranjeevi’s ‘Sye Raa’ movie has hit the box office and is off to a great start. Not just fans, even police officers could not contain the mega mania and had to skip their work to watch the movie.
This happened in Kovelakuntla of Kurnool district and about six Sub-Inspectors (SI) went to watch ‘Sye Raa’ on Wednesday morning. However, the SIs did not inform their higher officials and this has irked the Kurnool SP Fakirappa and he shifted them to VR. All the cops were asked to report to the concerned officials.
‘Sye Raa’ is based on Telugu freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy who hails from Rayalaseema region. Probably this might have influenced the police officers to watch the movie on the first day.