SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus film, Baahubali will screened in the Television for the first time on October 25th in MAA TV. The leading entertainment channel had invested huge money on bagging this movie rights and so efforts are on to derieve maximum advantage out of that.
Accordingly MAA TV is planning a non stop two hour special program on October 24th, a day prior to the film’s telecast. The channel will be airing Some exclusive behind the scenes info along with the star cast interviews during this time to draw the attention of the audience on the D-Day.
Baahubali in its full run is one of the biggest hits of Indian Cinema. The movie in all languages put together has collected a whopping 600 Crore gross which is never before heard for any film from Telugu film industry. Following the super success of the film, there is big hype on the second part which will see light the next year.