Keerthy Suresh had slimmed down noticably for Miss India which premiered on Netflix a couple of days ago. The star actress put in a let of efforts to shed many kilos and developed a toned physique for this film. She played the role of a determined lady who dreams big and takes on corporate giants in her pursuit of running a successful business.
Sadly for Keerthy, all of her efforts have gone in vain as Miss India failed to garner a good response from digital audiences.
The film is being criticized for its poor story. Interestingly, even Keerthy’s slim look did not receive a great response from the viewers. It appears to be that Keerthy’s sincere efforts have turned out to be ungainly.
Now, it would be really interesting to see if Keerthy will be continuing a similar look and physique for her upcoming biggie, Sarkaru Vaari Paata. She will be joining the sets of the Parasuram directorial from January next year.
As per our sources, Keerthy Suresh is receiving a remuneration of Rs 1.5 crores for Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata.