In her marital life with Pawan Kalyan, Renu Desai was stick to home to take care of family. But, now post divorce she is testing her luck in creative side of cinema. In free times, Renu Desai is having fun with son Akira Nandan and daughter Aadhya. Here is a selphie photo taken by Renu with her two kids. Need to observe that Akira looks all grown up and has become even taller than his mom.
‘’Took Akira &Aadya to see a farm today.So they understand how difficult life is outside their home! #life #les’’ The young kid has made his acting debut with mom directed and produced Marathi film Ishq Wala Love. The movie released during Dasara in October was a disaster in Marathi.
Renu has planned to release the film’s Telugu dubbed version by October end. But, she couldn’t as there are no takers for the film. Pawan and Renu want their kids to be well educated. However, Akira is likely to enter in films post completion of graduation. The next Power Star is in making!