In a stunning revelation, seductress Surveen Chawla who has come under spotlight with her bikini, bedroom and bare acts as a lead lady in ‘Hate Story 2’, accused that there is casting couch existing in Southern film industries. However her most breakthrough film is Punjabi movie ‘Singh Vs Kaur’ produced by veteran producer D Ramanaidu.
“When I’m working in South, a casting agent asked me that his ‘Sir’ wants to have relationship with me for the duration of the film to understand the role better. That director is one of top National Award winning filmmakers, and indirectly it is a hint that I need to sleep with him”, said Surveen Chawla, while sharing her struggles before getting an identification in Bollywood.
She added, “I told the casting manager that he couldn’t force me to sleep and that shut his mouth. Such things didn’t happen for me in Mumbai”. As this hottie has acted in a couple of Tamil films and one Telugu movie, we wonder about which industry she is talking about particular. Many heroines earlier revealed that casting couch exists in Bollywood but quite unseen in South. Surveen’s case is surely a shocking incident then.